Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello Constituants!

It is I, your future, sophomore class senator! Just thought that I'd give you a little update so that my loyal readers will have more than only one measly post to read. So yesterday, I saw this great, dystopian future movie from 1976 called Logan's run. Highly reccomend it, by the way, lots of great laughs. Anyhow, in the movie, everybody has to be killed when they become thirty years old, do to overpopulation. Wouldn't that be just awful? When I saw that movie, I made a promise, to mysely, my school, and my lovely constituants. As senator, I will never let the school make a rule of killing off all the older students to keep the school hallway les conjested. Scout's honor. Don't you feel so much more secure now, as if giant, constant weight, was just lifted from you? So remember, if you want to stop the slaughter of innocent students, vote for Max!

Love to you all,
Your future senator

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why so early, Max?

So, as some of you may or may not know, I was not elected for Senator this year because of a small formalitly of not being mentioned in the ballot. Well, probably I wouldn't have won anyhow, but I'm going with the formality thing =P. So I want to make sure that next year, I at least have a chance of winning next year, so I started this blog so my future constituants can sort of get to know me better than they would in school,learn some of my ideas, and see what lovely a senator I would make! That, and to hear some of your ideas that you want to see happen in the school, that I could help make happen. Your opinions really do matter to me!

So it might seem a little bt crazy to start a campaign blog more than a year before the official thing takes place, but honestly, what about me isn't? Also, it's a great way to get some early support, and to brainwas...err...get you on my side. (Yeah, thats it...) So feel free to leave a comment any time, letting me know of any ideas you might have, shower me with your praises, and anything that strikes your fancy.

Thanks for listening,
Your future Senator Max